Monday, February 1, 2010


Well, fellow Chicagoans ...

It's time to let you all in on my sudden decision to flee the frigid weather in favor of Florida sunshine. Needless to say, just stepping off the plane at 11:30 pm and having to carry our coats was a welcome relief in itself. (Jennifer accompanied me. She came early for a Monday business meeting and sat next to Linda Yu, Channel 7 news anchor, during the flight!!) Paul & Larry met us; whisked us to their abode; took our luggage to our respective rooms (that hotel training sure does pay off) and we (again, Jonferes and I) settled down for a late-night snack and free-flowing pinot noir, Tomorrow is, indeed, another day!!

Friday morn ... bright. sunny, warm - doggies very curious about household visitors - good ol' Larry preparing breakfast (Jennifer says "as expected!") - plans for day?? ... a surprise! So, dear friends, we shall see ...

It's still a time-warp for hour added to my Chi-town schedule (as if I had one!) puts me further into the day...and any TV viewing of favorite programs goes well into the night - or morning...but onward...

Wandered into the backyard - P & L have installed a new fence and it does make things more private and the doggies can go out without the worry of having to chase them all over the neighborhood. Weather is sunny - mid 70's = we're having dogs (NOT those dogs) and burgers on the grill - of course, more vino - then Jennifer & I prepare for our surprise journey of the evening.

'Tis late, late Friday evening and we had such fun!! Went downtown Coral Gables to see "The Great American Trailer Park Musical" - hillarious - Pabst beer cans sitting on coolers - gals spraying themselves with veg oil to suntan - most all of the early-day cliches you associate with trailer park was fun and the three girls who played the leads were really good...if you were artistically inclined, you could purchase "original" painted hub-caps for your home decor...just sayin' ,,,

afterwards, we went across the street to John Martin's Irish Bar. A combo was rocking away as we entered, but we went from the bar into a really cool, dark-wood dining room...ate "ample sufficiency"...had a little Guinness...wandered along the main drag - then home. Great evening...lots of laughs...balmy weather, but chance of rain on Saturday,,,speaking of which - it IS Saturday, so ... We will see what the next two days bring; before Jonferes has to go to her downtown hotel.

Thinking of you all,


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