Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Weekend Wanderings ...

Still a little difficult to get this hour difference in time engrained into my psychi; but know I will have to get "unengrained" when I'm back in Chicago. Smell of coffee wafts across the room - doggies barking wildly so we know something is going on outside. Larry said his neighbors next to the house moved (non-payment of rent) a day or two ago and another leasee is moving in...a single mother, three children - she's in the military. The dogs "told" us they were moving in!! Jonferes wanders in - PJs & all - wanting to know what's for breakfast...we eat, discuss taking a trip to Miami to check out expo for the half-marathon to be run Sunday (even though Pro Bowl is going on, too).

We climb into the car & head out. Beautiful day sunny - humid. Paul & Jennifer go into the Expo Center to get a shirt & packet for Amy Gaw, who has signed up for the marathon but can't make it...we decide to drive around Miami proper (since I have only seen South Beach), but can't make much headway because of heavy traffic and a proliferation of cones marking the marathon paths. It's now mid-afternoon and, guess what?? Time to eat again!!

Paul's office employees at Doral had taken him to this restaurant for his birthday...he & Larry said it was very good; so we tried it. Outdoorsy-type place - raw wood decor - choice of outdoor seating amongst the trees & vines. Actually, right next to our table was a huge tree, very tall, that they had built the restaurant around...neat!! The place was called Perricone's Market Place & Cafe...fresh fish, tender meats, freshest little salads. We thoroughly enjoyed it all - and more pinot noir! The place also has a deli where you could buy meats, cheeses, sandwiches etc. Good thing we were full...we only glanced at the offerings, else we would have bought out the place!! Walked around a little - journeyed homeward...

Got comfortable on the outside patio...kind of like a cabana out there now. P & L put up long canvas-like drapes that can be closed all around the area, thus creating a little, private room...the park across the way is full to the brim...three or four birthday parties going on at the same time, pinatas, mirauchi(?) bands, loud laughter...the evening has just begun...

Larry prepared a polenta dish, spicey, very delicious; and the best salad (must get the recipe for the dressing). And before you all even think we are gluttons, it was rather late in the evening - suppertime!!! Vivian & Mary live in back. They share the fence with P & L. Mary's daughter was having a birthday party for her boyfriend - more music, dancing & and a very tall guy with the LARGEST head of hair - kind of cool, actually; but don't try it at home...could be mind-boggling!! Laughed into the night...then bedtime - and tomorrow, Sunday ...

Molson & Copper walked me to Prince of Peace church...guitar Mass...then home to hot coffee & cinnamon rolls. (Too soon for lunch!!) The day is a little cooler - may rain. We decide to go to the Sunset Mall (or whatever) in Coral Gables - not to shop, but to see a movie, Crazy Heart. Jeff Bridges was excellent You guys will like it - even more if you like country music. Stopped by Costco on the way home (thought of you, Sheila),They have a new white wine that is really light, tastey, and very good with last minute snacks. The name is RIONDO (Spago Nero) an Italian wine - try will like it!!

Yes. guys, it's meal time again...tonight's fare is stuffed shells ala Larry - cheeses, spinach in the shells, light tomato sauce and melted mozzarella - very nice! More wine...we watched "Hurt Locker" on DVD sometime during these days...good movie. Jennifer's meeting is tomorrow; so we drove her into Miami to the Marriott Biscayne where she will be staying and having her meeting... She does her presentation tomorrow and leaves for Chgo Tuesday morn... We all wondered if Hillary got moved into her new place yet...let us know. These bloggings won't be so long & boring (really?) from now on...just tend to keep rambling...

Until then,


1 comment:

  1. My rambling comment was supposed to be posted to this blog. Just when you think you have it down pat.
