Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sizzlin' Saints ...

Well, I must say, I feel as if I had a two-day hangover!! (Never having experienced such a thing, I guess it's just Super Bowl fol-de-rol...) We watched the entire game - snacked - drank (goo-ood vino!) - Paul & Larry wanted to leave the room when the Colts made that first touchdown; but started their "Who dat" chant and feel that THEY are the ones who gave the Saints their added impetus. Frankly, I do like the Colts and love Payton; but am so glad the Saints won...I want to adopt Drew Brees' baby boy...he is such a cute little guy. (Of course, we will have to wait to see if Henry takes a liking to football, etc.) P & L surprised me with a Super Bowl shirt - said they were out of Saints' shirts and didn't want to get me a Colts' shirt - so much for Hoosier legacy. To end this diatribe, it was an historical day for New Orleans - just imagine, their very first Super Bowl win ... now if we could muster up enough sentiment for the Cubbies to rally ...

The weather here is beautiful, but not what I consider Florida weather. A cold front is coming through; it's very windy, lows in the 50s, high in 60s to low 70s. Definitely can't complain when I hear of your 6 to 8 inches of snow and temps in the 20s. The doggies love it - want to be outside just lolling around...I, of course, prefer hot sun and poolside reading!! (Almost finished "World According to Garp"; am going for "The Help" next)

Saw "Avatar" at the IMax Saturday - absolutely awesome - didn't know how I would react; it's been hyped so much. Next comes Johnny Depp and "Alice..." in 3D - can't wait for that one. Sunday is Valentine Day and I suppose all of you have"love-ly" plans! We are going to an outdoor concert in a park in Coral Gables (Larry says it's kind of like a Ravinia thing) - certainly hope the weather cooperates.

News of the great "almost- Mardi- Gras- party" at the Telanders has reached me ... sounds absolutely terrific (was going to purchase a square, but was too late when we opened the message - congrats Telanders!) Jane sent a pic of Laddie's masterpiece ... it HAS to go on Facebeeok AND Farrell Funhouse ... looked awesome!!!

Will try to muster something more interesting in the future. Brian B., Bern, Christopher, Sheila (you Survivor fans), "let the games begin" Thursday???

(That jambalaya sounded very tasty; but I'm craving coconut shrimp - next time at a seafood place?}

Thinking of you, but only in moderation. After all, it's snowing there!!

... and the Saints did indeed "go marching home" ,,, !!!


1 comment:

  1. Marma! - just love your blogs. So lively. Uncle Jim called and left a message looking for "Beej". Can't get ahold of you and wants to know what's up? I tried calling him back a couple of times but his line was busy. He's sooooo pop-u-lar (feel free to sing that line from Wicked). I will try again to today to put his mind at ease.

    Spending many a day trying to get taxes together, FAFSA for college financial aid together, scouring online scholarship info....etc, etc, etc. All has to be completed by March 1.

    Did you hear how much snow Dallas got pelted with? Phew...this is blowing my stance on global warming right out of the water.

    All for now. Enjoy the coolish temps as all too soon you will experiencing the frigid temps if this continues. The snow is pretty however, very fluffy (ah fluffy) and ripe for skiing/snowboarding.

    Until my next blog comment....carry on.

    Love You!
