Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Guess what!! There is activity in the house in back of Paul & Larry's house! It had been sold but just sitting there. We do know one thing - they have a little dog. Fence time?? One other thing I learned today & it only happens about every nine years or so - it's called "square root day" ... third month, third day, year-09 ... cool, huh?? But, onward -

Sneaky Paul said he was taking off early Friday because he has been logging so many hours (which he has) and to bring our bathing suits, meet him for lunch at Champions in the Hotel and then we would go to the pool. Larry and I did as instructed - dropped by Human Resources to see if Paul was ready (he wasn't); chatted with the "help" and then made our way up, out and into the restaurant. As we navigated the tables, Larry said, "There they are!" ... and, indeed, there THEY were - the Telander family, Brian, Bern, Nick & Hanna - in all their vacation garb - ready to eat and party on! What a surprise!!! Such fun - they kept razzing me because I didn't see them until I got right up to the table; but, come on ... I wasn't LOOKING for them, after all. Larry and Paul had known for a week or so and didn't say a word. It was a great and well-kept secret surprise.

We changed into our suits and went out into the bright, 80-degree, sunny poolside area and basked, sipped on various exotic coolers, and laughed. Telanders are going to shower, "clean-up" and proceed to South Beach. We, P, L & I are to meet them later ... and we did! Wandered along Ocean Drive, looked at restaurant menus, settled on an establishment, and - ate. While waiting for food, Brian spotted a shop just across the patio from us with Tommy Bahama shirts, Panama hats, etc. He HAD to investigate - came back wearing a cream-colored, fedora-styled straw hat and wore it most of the weekend. Kind of Jack Nicholson look, what with the sunglasses & cigars!! We didn't finish eating until 10:30 or thereabouts, so we walked a few blocks to our car and drove home.

Saturday was another beautiful day - thought we were going to South Beach to stroll the sandy beach, but decided to stay at Doral's Blue Lagoon and go into Miami later in the aft. While at Doral, Paul & Nick commandeered a golf cart to seat us all and we toured the area with Paul as driver-docent. Place is really building up for next week's Championship Golf tourney - high spectator stands, VIP & various sponsor tents, picket fences, etc. TV studios go in next week. Many golfers out to try the courses - lots of groups. Went back to our respective quarters to get ready for our second journey to South Beach and environs.

South Beach and shops and Lincoln Avenue with all the restaurants and outdoor seating. BUT, before we got to all that, Nick wanted to get his ears pierced - both of them - with small hoops put in. We turned the corner - wahla!! - tattoo parlor/piercing! Checked it out, made arrangements; but Bern, with her "gut feeling", thought they were being scammed because Telanders knew they would have to sign a release; but the tattoo proprietor said a notary was also required...an additional $20...when Bern talked with the notary on her cell, it went up to $25, cash only...they agreed on pre-set $20...ears were pierced...Nick was smiling...Bern was still quite p----d, because of her "gut feeling." We all laughed, but Bern kept reminding us -all evening - of the "scam."
So many shops and Hanna, especially, was in "hog" heaven - Nick even found jeans and a cool belt - Paul & Brian talked Rolexes as they went in and out of jewelry shops and Bern just sized up all the cool stuff and made mental notes. We toured the tables up and down Lincoln Av and opted for Dileos - Italian - very good. Wandered some more and then - home.

Sunday arrived - Larry & Paul made brunch for all - picked up Telanders; brought them back;
had mimosas, banana daiquiris, and so much food. After eating, socializing, etc, three Telanders were going to relax by the pool and P, L, Hanna and I took Hanna on yet another shopping look-see at really large mall. Later, we all congregated at "Windows" restaurant at Doral, conversed, ate, laughed and Bern reminded us of yesterday's scam! Such a pleasant time. Great food. Telanders are going back Chicago-way tomorrow - Nick is starting Lacrosse - Hanna has to start double sessions for Bye, Bye Birdie - Brian has to go to court to show off his deep tan - Bern has to phone her friends and tell them about "the scam."

Can't believe my winter visit is coming to an end and the weather is still snow-laden in Illinois. Jason & Jen are flying in late Thursday eve - Paul will be in conferences in Orlando until Friday aft - looking forward to more laughter and wine tasting, hot sun by the pool, general meandering, and catching up on any news from home area.

Miss you all, but will see you soon!! Until next session on the Blog,
