Thursday, February 26, 2009


Paul took this Friday off so he could treat me to the scenery of Key West! Guess it takes awhile just for the travel; so we packed our little overnight bags and decided to leave early. The neighbor, who has a great dane, said they would look after the beasties; so, off we went. Of course, we hit a small snafu not too far into our journey - construction - one lane driving. Fortunately, it didn't last too long, but did throw water on our enthusiasm.

I found it kind of fascinating crossing the expansive bridges taking us into Key West. We traveled the newer bridge & the old one was still in sight. They are used by joggers, bicyclists, and (Laddies, you would love this) many fishermen & women. They pack along the railings more so in some spots than others. Guess they know where the best fishing of the day is.

We commented on the fact that if you didn't fish, have a boat, own a trailer, fix machinery, sell surf boards or tiki products, you were just out of luck for a living. Many road side diners & eateries were either closed or for sale. Lots of touristy roadside places that used to sell souvenirs, etc. were closed. This is supposed to be part of the "high" tourist season but I guess people just aren't going South of Miami to look least from outer appearances.

Beautiful day - bright blue skies; calm, shades-of-blue ocean; sun that was getting warmer by the hour- made our car ride very pleasant. Every few miles (or so it seemed), there were "Key" Signs - Marathon, Pine, Glades - and, naturally, Key Largo. Just seemed as if every little area that had a service station was a Key of some sort!
We entered Key West and went to check into our Fairfield Inn. Paul had been here before but said they had enlarged it, put in a nice outdoor pool, redecorated, etc. He also said the area had developed so much he didn't recognize it Other Inns, more eateries. We headed for downtown Key West - Duval Street.

Duval Street - to me - was alot like Bourbon street in New Orleans; not so much in looks but in activity. Now the tourists appeared and there were shops upon shops, bars, music from saloons.

kids holding parents hands and "kids" holding their beers & drinks. Took us a long time walking around because we went into lots of shops, just checking things out. (Lots of nasty signs & tee shirts, if anyone is interested). One shop had about eight or nine different pairs of Dame Edna glasses. Almost bought a pair, but what the heck! How many times am I going to appear as Dame Edna?

Stopped for lunch at Mangoes - we sat in the outdoor patio area and it was so chilly they had
those overhead heaters on. Paul had been catching a terrible cold and went out to wait in the sun after we were almost was excellent - large portions - Paul & I had frozen daquiris and since he was really frozen, we walked further up Duval Street to the town part of Key West - where the mall-type shops are. Paul purchased a neat light-weight gray top, put it on (after paying, of course) and we started our journey back to our car. Decided to take a rest at the inn before going out again, but Paul could barely breathe and he fell asleep. We were going on a ghost tour but when Paul called about it to see where to meet, he found out it was a walking tour so we opted out. Tomorrow is another day...
Paul, feeling much better but still not breathing too well, went to work out a little with Larry. Larry checked out the "free" breakfast and we decided to eat "in" because it was pretty good. We wanted to go to the Hemingway House and other places, so we checked out; getting warmer but still too cool for swimming.
Were among the first to arrive at Hemingway's House. Grounds are beautiful - the house itself is just that, not a mansion. Many, many five-toed cats roam the grounds - descendants of Hemingway's original cat, and are named for movie stars. We met Spencer Tracy, Charlie Chaplin (with a very distinct black mustache under his little nose), Rita Hayworth, etc. The guide told interesting stories about Hemingway and, of course, his favorite watering holes are still in business. White tents were being set up outside on the grounds. The guide said the location was very much in demand for weddings & banquets. Said this day's wedding was for 250 guests and showed us the other side where the ceremony was to be held - out under many big trees.

We were going to Truman's Key West White House, but decided against it and went to take pictures at the "Southernmost Point in the U.S." We kind of laughed though, because the original big hotel, nice restaurant, etc, which had "Southernmost" in their names had been replaced with an entire block of sites which had become "southernmost." Ate at an outdoor restaurant on the beach - conch appetizers (I had never had conch) very tasty, kind of like seafood hushpuppies. And, the BEST Key Lime pie I have ever tasted. We wondered at first because the menu said it had an Oreo crust - but very thin; pie was extremely light & tart; it was drizzled with chocolate. (Wish I had a piece right now, but I also remembered Lent started yesterday). Much warmer today - didn't need our jackets - walked around a little more. Started home.

Saw a sign near Key Largo that Paul & I got excited about. The African Queen was somewhere near the "100 Marker" and we wanted to see it. It was the boat used in the movie "African Queen" starring Humphrey Bogart & Katharine Hepburn. It was moored by the docks - very interesting - pictures taken - onward.

This Blog is turning into a travelog, so I'd best tell you all about Sunday and be off! The neghbors, Evan, Claudio and Amp, invited us over to watch the Oscars on TV. Lots of wine, good appetizers, excellent filet mignons roasted on the grill (with mashed potatoes, shredded veggies, half avocado atop tomatoes). We were so-o full, but managed to test more wine!! Checked ballots for Oscar winners - watched - ohhed and darn ited - as our predictions fell by the wayside. Evan checked my ballot - gave me a hug - announced that I was winner. (Paul brought our ballots home...thinks Evan gave me a couple of "passes"...poor loser!!)
Well, everyone, I see your Chicago weather is improving. Certainly hope Spring is's almost time for my exit from the Sunshine State and I don't want snow around when I return. See what you can do about that, okay???

Love to you all,

Monday, February 23, 2009


Actually, we've just been enjoying the weather! Chicago seems to be in the
doldrums with chilly weather and snow. Guess I'd be considered a "snowbird," at least this year, since I'm here to escape that scene... After our Art Festival trek last Saturday, we decided to visit Ft. Lauderdale on Sunday. (Paul knew he had the next day off, so we traveled.)

I had been to Ft. Lauderdale once - the year I graduated from college. Needless to say, that was like never having been there at all!! We drove around a little and, after parking, found an oasis of sorts - the RIVER WALK. It was before noon so people were just beginning to congregate. An entire section along the riverfront was brick-paved, lots of trees and benches. Eateries, music venues, "street" musicians starting to set up for their own little shows. We decided to take a boat tour - cruise along the river which empties into the sea - and gape at the beautiful, beautiful million -to -billion-dollar homes built along the banks. The Captain's running narration was very informative...places that once belonged to Sonny & Cher. Lucy & Desi, Lee Majors & Farrah Fawcett plus newer places that belonged to the Blockbuster clan and other high rollers.
Along one marina space (make that three or four) was the most magnificent yacht I think I've ever seen. The Captain said to take pictures because that was the cloest we would ever get to it again...gleaming white, looked as if it had just come off the assembly line. The yacht belongs to the royal family of Spain and some family members were staying in a villa along the river while the yacht was being serviced; and, then, they were cruising out into the bright blue ocean for ports unknown to us peasants. What really intrigued us was the helicopter perched on the very top of the yacht - when you approached, you could barely tell it was part of the boat itself...just beautiful.

We enjoyed that tour for close to two hours - with a complimentary drink - and, after looking around a little bit more, headed out to find a sandwich place out of the area. However, there was a large. open Irish restaurant and bar that I'm certain all you "Irish" descendants would love. (Had to put that Irish bit in quotes because we do have a few Bohunks, Italians, Swiss, German, Lithuanian, etc. who like a bit of the ol' spirits!) It was just beginning to open up and the weather was so nice outside that we didn't linger. Journeyed around and found "Humpy's - paninis & pizza. Very good - somewhat less expensive than the River Walk - homeward bound. Watched a little TV and then bedtime. (Programs are an hour later here so if we want to see something that doesn't end until 11 or 12, we DVR it.) Could possibly spend the whole next day catching up - if we so desired.

Ed & Hill are coming this way at the end of March. Must say that Ft. Lauderdale looks like a fun and happening place. Jonferes left on a cruise from there Saturday a.m. Can't wait for reports on that voyage!!
For Valentine's Day, Paul arranged a visit to the Spa hotel for me and Larry. Don't know about Larry, but my treat was a haircut & style and a manicure. Such coddling!! Think Larry had a facial - we were scheduled at different times, so guess what, ladies...I put on my bathing suit and lingered by "our"pool. Paul was going to take us to lunch but had massive meetings with execs so we just went home and I spent countless hours running in to gaze in the mirror before my "do" was no more. Haircut is good - falls right into place so easily (no-o, guys, it doesn't fall OUT!!)
Friday and Saturday was a trip to Key West - more on that later.

Can't believe my time is running out here. I do hope that weather stays somewhat regulated in the Chicago area. This warm sun is surely habit-forming...but "natives" say the summer months are not so pleasant - just ask Paolo! The beasties, Copper & Molson, may not like it then either. Time will tell...

Until I get my Key West narrative going, I'm still, just


Monday, February 16, 2009


Hate to continue speaking of the weather, but it was so unlike Florida last week that I can't help it!! Old age, thin blood, whatever, my goosebumps kindled goosebumps ... But NOW - The sun is hot! The sky is blue! The temperature has returned to 80s, so I'm happy again.

We were so entranced by the slow warm-up that we sat out on the patio, ate cheese and delicious fruit (umm, pineapple!) and slivers of coconut. Of course, Paul & I had to wash it all down with chardonnay. Very pleasent evening - even the doggies were docile and content to lay around the yard. (Larry was happy sipping his flavored water.)

Thursday, we went to Doral to have lunch at Champions - a more casual, sandwich & salad-type restaurant. You can also watch some of the golfers on the beautiful course. Moira and her friend, Sarah met us there. Moira is the cutest and liveliest Irish lady you would ever want to meet. She moved to the States from Ireland in the late sixties and still has the brogue to go along with her wit. She and Larry worked together at Mattiott Oakbrook Hills in the food & beverage services. (Moira was going to pick up a niece at the airport.) She just retired and has a small condo with her husband in West Palm Beach. She loves it because so many friends, especially from Ireland, stay there during the winter and you can "play a different game of cards every night." Just listening to her talk about all the things she does reinvigorates you - oh, well - back to my book and easy chair!!

Paul came home around noon on Friday - had to take a few "mental health" hours (right, Jane). He needs it!! We all decided to go to a movie - the last one on our "best picture" list before next Sunday's Oscars. Saw "The Reader," with Kate Winslet. Rather erotic to begin with, but as the picture and story progressed, it was quite good. While we were journeying there, Paul got a call and he had to go back to the office after the movie...he came home about four hours later. Larry, however, put the time to good use. He hung a wrought iron lantern-type chandelier in the front, outdoor entrance to replace the smaller one that came with the house. (Bern and Brian had given it to them - they had replaced it with another fixture at their house.) Looks great! Sheds more light and shows up the front of the house to better advantage.

Saturday, we left early to travel to Coconut Grove, FL. Art Festival. As we approached, you could tell it was an annual event. People selling flowers (also because it was Valentine Day), sun hats, souvenirs of all sorts; also many trying to get you to park in various lawn spaces for prices anywhere from $10 to $20. We opted for regular garage parking at a flat, all-day rate of $10 - safer and closer to festival. Next on the agenda - BREAKFAST & COFFEE!!

Walking along the brick sidewalk, Larry spotted a menu hanging on the side of an apparently open-air establishment that looked like an "early-opened" bar. We decided to try it because they served breakfast and we were hungry. It was absolutely great!! It was French - the waiters even spoke the language - somewhat different from the Spanish we hear so often around Miami. Very casual - find your own seating (lucky to find your own waiter). It was so "New Orleansy" it was unbelievable! I had an Omelette du Buchon...the name of the chef who opened the place about 4 or 5 years ago, coffee very strong, omelet ingredients fresh & tastey - we thoroughly enjoyed it. (Found out that this little section IS a French Quarter area - like Nawlins.) On to the Fest ...

It was truly an ART festival - very creative, original, expensive. The sculptures, large glass and sand-blasted-design vases, and huge, outdoor-type bronze works - all were very different. We especially like one artist's booth - bronze sculptures - table-top size to a little larger. They were so inventive. Parts of some items were hinged and opened to convey another aspect of the design. Larry took lots of pictures; so I'll just turn much of this Blog site over to him!

We did see some cute things before entering the Festival itself - Sheila! The big giraffes were awesome! Wish I could have shipped one to you - whether you like lawn ornaments or not. Hill! They had the funkiest, brightly- colored little cat - would have been perfect for home or school cubicle - only $675 - a steal!! There was a whole range of Humpty Dumpty art - why eggs I don't know; but some were laugh-provoking. Anything to get your attention, I suppose.

Tomorrow is another day and we may go to Ft. Lauderdale. Since you are all probably tiring of these Blog rants, I will carry on with tales of that city in the not-too-distant future. Also, my thanks to those of you who sent Valentine Day greetings - cards (Drahoks & Challacombes) and the "fun" phone calls and emails from others! Love you ALL!

Monday, February 9, 2009


It's time for me to start envying you guys!! It's been COLD down here - not Chicago cold, but for Florida, when they talk about temps dropping to 30s, THAT'S brr-rrr-rring. Paul's Regional Execs were in this week, so he was noticeably tired when he came home. Said they the area managers just do not have the organzation and work ethic he's used to from Chicago & DC. The one thing that seemed to cheer him up was a call at the end of the week from he friends ( Amy, who replaced him at O'Hare, and Lisa, O'Hare's General Mgr.) They told Paul that the Exec reviewing them informed them that Paul was doing an outstanding job and not even to THINK of trying to get him back into the Chicago area. Paul, of course, has other ideas!!

Larry & I went grocery shopping at Publix grocery. Drives Larry nuts because the cashiers are slow and our gal was chattering away with her friend (in Spanish) the whole time. Since it's so unseasonably chilly, we went to a Mall to see if I could find an inexpensive sweatshirt (I do have to launder my ONE once in awhile). Guess what?? Seems there's no such thing ... even looked at Tommy Hilfiger, R. Lauren, etc in Macy's, looked in other stores including Champs sporting goods and Old Navy. They only sell "hoodies" - guess they figure if you're going to buy something "warm", you go all out. They had lots of fine knit, rather thin sweaters, but NO regular sweatshirts. (Em, Hanna, Izzy and Morgan - all the Spring things are in, plus many, many bathing suits; Forever 21 is one of the few stores in these Malls that have lots of shoppers in them. Clothing is quite funky, gauzy - lots of big, heavy, Spring-colored jewelery and large, tote-type handbags...and did you know that shades of gray are the "new" color?? Kinda dull for Spring, don't you think??)

Week end came. Visited different large shopping Malls (still chilly so the beach is not an option) on Saturday. The Falls is an outdoor Mall similar to OakBrook, but Paul thinks they should have a really big "dynamic" waterfall. They just have little rippling affairs with spouting fishes.

 We arrived before stores opened; so we purchased Sunday's paper and went into a '50s-type diner for breakfast. 

The place looked sorta authentic; but the food left something to be desired. Paul ordered biscuits & sausage gravy. When it came, it had thin sausage patties on each biscuit-half and the gravy had little lumps in it. The waitress, at Paul's request, asked the cook what it was and he said "sausage." We decided it was grits mixed in. They're so used to "grits" in Fla that the cook probably thought we were talking about something else entirely. Paul just picked out the little pea-sized lumps and ate the rest...said it wasn't bad.

We were going to a movie at this Mall, but the one we wanted to see didn't start until 4:00 pm; ones before that time were mostly kids' movies; so we drove further up the line to another great Mall - the Shoppes (yes, Jonferes - shoppes) at Sunset. Reminded us of Disney World. Had paved streets and the shops were arranged along them with cute storefronts and, of course, the chain stores had the same recognizable logos & facades. We ran in and out of them; tried various chairs & machines in Brookstone; punched all the "sound" gizmo buttons in most ot the stuffed animals at a "too expensive" children's store (Since Valentine's Day is coming up, the toy stores are trying to lure grandmas & uncles into buying anything that says "I wuv you" or something decidedly suggestive.) Bri'-boob, I won't relate what the gorilla had to say!!

The sun began to warm things up. We checked the 24 AMC theatre (yes, Jonferes - theatre) directory and our movie was starting in 30 minutes. Got our popcorn and went to see Frost/Nixon . Very good. Coming out, we saw that "Milk" was playing at the theatre down the line. As Paul got a "rock out of his shoe" and the Frost crowd disappeared, we filed into "Milk" with 7 minutes to spare. (Do not let impressionable children view this blog!) Another good movie
- we have two more to go before Oscartime ... Journeyed home, let the doggies out, ate chicken pot pies, watched TV for awhile,I retired to my room with my book.

Sunday dawned a little warmer. Walked to church with Larry & doggies; met P & L's neighbor there. She's cute, very nice Puerto Rican lady whose husband & daughter had gone to Orlando to visit. She drove me home from church & then Paul, Larry & I just sat out on the patio most of the day - in the warm sun; felt so-o nice after the cold spell. There were three b'day parties going on in the park. You can aways tell - big blow-up play structures and loud music with the "limbo pole" being a main event. I figure Jason will not sit on the patio when he comes to visit. He'll want to get in on all that hurauche music!! P & L say it's a weekly thing - party, party - mostly little kids.)

'Tis Monday morn and it's getting nicer & nicer weather-wise. Paul is going to take some time off this week & ramble around - see what's happening. There's a food & wine festival we hope to hit the week end of Feb. 19-22. All is well - sorry the blogging is mundane... But - Just wait!! Something exciting will most assuredly turn up - and then - Blogarama!!

'Til then, hopefully,


Monday, February 2, 2009


Guess you've all been waiting for this!! Cold in Miami and warmer in Illinois ... Went grocery shopping Friday and got home just in time for winds and very heavy rain. As per TV warnings, when the rain let up it started cooling off. Tied a record for "cold" on this date (61) Went to see the movie, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." We liked it! I like Brad!!

It was considerably colder Sat. (for Fla) but we were going to the local IKEA to get some office furniture for rooms at Paul's (Doral) HR offices. What we didn't know was that there was big matress sale until 11:00 am and people were lined up for blocks - we had 15 minutes to wait so we just got in line. Paul & Larry didn't realize how chilly it was (upper 40's); didn't seem to bother Larry too much, but Paul had goosebumps! We decided to wait because the attendants kept telling everyone to take their vouchers to the mattress section and they would be taken care of promptly. (One guy wanted to know what the heck we were doing since we didn't want the voucher he offered - Paul said, "Just waiting to shop." He shook his head and moved on. The place opened, everyone just filed in very orderly and we went to get breakfast upstairs - turned out to be free - scrambled eggs, bacon. hashbrowns & coffee. Worth the wait.

After Paul & Larry picked out the receptionist desk, six tables, a couple of file cabinets, etc., we (they) loaded the Jeep & dropped me off at home. They spent most of the afternoon putting stuff together. Spent the evening (they didn't get home 'til after 8:00 pm) watching DVD series "John Adams" Really good - seven parts, will have to spread it out.

Sunday, still chilly, but forecast says "warmer" today After church, I went to the HR office with P & L for them to finish putting the rest of the furniture together. (Paul has Regional execs coming in next week and wants things in good shape.) Took a short ride around the grounds in a Security cart ... Jane, you are the one who always goes on about the palm trees; you wouldn't believe all the trees on the "White" course. Looks like a veritable jungle of palm trees (I hope Larry took a good picture to post).

Left to go get something to eat before a movie - "Slumdog Milliomaire" The theater is in a huge mall (indoor, huge, very open - and yes, girls, you could spend an entire day there - or more). It's about a half hour away - seems like almost to Ft. Lauderdale. Got home around 8:00 pm - checked out Super Bowl half-time show & score of game and watched rest of "John Adams". If you like Colonial times and American history, get this set. It's great!

Well, gang, it's still jeans-weather (at least for me), so I'm not sunning today. Larry is busy auditing personnel reports for Doral HR and the doggies are napping. Am going out to read "The Time Traveler's Wife" - but don't worry, I won't be telling you about sandy beaches and sunny skies ... at least today!!!

While waiting for comments, I remain,
Marma, Mamaw, Betty, Beej, or Liz