Monday, January 26, 2009

Two Days in Florida Sun

As you can probably tell by the Blog Title, we are taking advantage of the warmth, the sun and Paolo's free time. After a Larry-prepared breakfast of French toast, bacon, coffee, etc., we headed for the beach . We parked in a near-by garage (after many attempts to find a parking space), then toted our snack-pack filled with soft drinks & edibles, beach towels and other beach paraphenalia to a spot on the sand. Tied to confiscate some beach chairs, but the ever-vigilant attendant said , "That will $10 per chair and $10 if you want an umbrella." Big deal!! We came to be in the sun (no umbrella) and $40 would pay for our intended lunch. We all laid out enough to get totally "crisped" (except Larry, of course, who never seems to burn), dropped our "beach" stuff off at the car and went in and out of shops along Lincoln Mall strip. As we sauntered along, we surveyed all the outdoor dining selections and decided on "Carnevale" for Italian food.

Umm-mm, delicious - with red wine, of course, and Larry ordered a frozen something or other. Drove back to the house and discussed "What's going on tomorrow?"

Today is "tomorrow" and that's Sunday! Larry, Paul & doggies walked me the 3 or 4 blocks to church where the guitar group blasted a few lively hymns, the Knights of Columbus were preparing their fund-raiser barbeque, and the sunshine promised another day near the water. To relax, read, just hang out, we traveled to ... Doral Spa Pool. Got all settled in, applied our newly-purchased suntan oil, the waitress came by (NOT Jessica!) with menus and we basked!!

Decided to get a little lunch and- then - the sun went in, clouds hovered, skies blackened and we decided to go shopping ... of all places, Macy's ... Everyone bought something but yours truly!

Went back home to have margueritas, then go to dinner. After that,however, we watched a movie (Burn After Reading) and just decided to order pizza and watch TV. Jonferes had to catch a 6:30 a.m. plane, Paul goes to work early, and Larry, the dogs and I just laugh, roll over, and wait for the mid-morning sun to come up.

It's really warm and nice here - but don't know what you guys are doing (except Jane). Karen, who are you taking to breakfast on Sat.; Mary B., are you coming to visit while I'm here; Bern, did you guys do anything different in NoLa; Laddie, lots of cool biker T-shirts here; Bri-boob, better adjust your itinerary; Hillary, where the heck are you; Sheila, we tried getting peppermint milk shakes, but they were closed on Sundays; Jason, more interesting journeys await!! ALL of you - comment away - it's a work-week, so we won't be doing "touristy things"

Sorry about your Chicago deep freeze - wish you could all enjoy the sun and sand. Til next time

Think Spring - !!


  1. Looks like you are having a great time! You will be able to show us all the hot spots once we get there in March!

  2. Mom, you look so natural at the checkout counter at Macy's. One thing's missing though...what is it...Oh yeah - ME!!!

  3. Oh - and I think you should call your site Blogging Betty :)

  4. OK Marma - I can't do breakfast with anyone else. By the time you get back I'll have to take a vacation day to go out to breakfast but you might have to drive because I'll be so weak ..... I'm so jealous of the warm weather and the ocean. Keeping warm doing a hot Argentian Tango. I'll have to ask Jane where she got her hair done - I might have to do something to drown my sorrows until you're back in town. Still washing the dishes I bought at Macy's. They'll be in the cabinet soon. Have fun. Give doggies (and Paul and Larry) a big hug for me. Love Red Karen aka (sexy mawma)

  5. hey, great to check in on the blog de Marmosette!! what I'm wondering, though, is when you're gonna' send the pix of ya' all dancing guaguanco in the streets of La Pequena Habana? wish I could be there to do that with you, but I'm sitting here counting my pennies. how long are you staying, Marmas? maybe I'll get a windfall in a couple weeks and head down...? well, it's gorgeous here, too, by the way! just getting a little chillier in the coming days. looks like you're all having some fun. keep on blogging away! love ya', Mar

  6. OK...OK...I get it...I gained a hell of a lot of weight take those damn pictures with me in them off the site!!! :)
