Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Going to Miami!!!!

I'm getting ready to go Miami tomorrow and am setting up a blog so everyone can see what I am up to. Please visit my blog every day!!


  1. Marma! Holy blog-o-sphere!!
    I'll be visiting every day...and maybe every night...sometimes in the afternoon...

  2. Testing mom's blog. Keep up posted of goings ons.

  3. Yeah! I'm already counting down the days until we meet you in Miami!

  4. Sounds like you have already settled in. Here we have blue skies, sunshine and a high of 2. To keep sane I went and treated myself to haircut at a "real" salon. And paid a "real" price. Sh@#$%@. Then I ventured through Macy' I have a balance again. Too keep myself on this "high", I went home and pressed the hoof of my bleating goat stuffed animal and sang sound of music yoadling songs. Beat that!
