Saturday, February 26, 2011


Larry is out somewhere taking his "steps" class to strengthen his muscles and make him look like his former model self. I'm here thinking today won't be gym day for me because a pool guy is coming to school Larry on swimming pool maintenance. That's okay ... we can go into the pool this afternoon and, who am I kidding? Sunshine, cool, blue water and a pool- side mat sounds much more tantalizing than a bike machine in a semi-dark gym! Conditioning ... or tan? Come on!!

As for the Silver Sneakers classes, they have been different every time I've gone. We go to two different gyms, so the instructors are seldom the same. During the first session, most of the exercises were done sitting down. Didn't think that would accomplish much for me. The next time was more standing and more leg exercises - better. The next time ...

When they refer to us oldsters as senior citizens, there's a reason - age. Thankfully, I'm a little better off healthwise than a lot of those in the classes; but this day ... whew!! The instructor was probably a substitute but she would not allow sitting, no between times to sip water and the weight exeercises were brutal. I use 3-pound weights because I'm a newbie and am not sure what I can take (most use 1 to 2 lbs). Let's just say if that gal comes back to lead the group and won't pause, I'm going to lower weights; chicken that I am. I could keep up for the most part but many just put their things away and stood in the back for the next fifteen minutes. Was surprised, however, that I was not sore at all the next day or two. Must have done something right ...

All in all the exercise classses are somewhat mild but stimulating enough to get the blood flowing. (One day's class was a complete change-up ... all Yoga, complete with soft music and dim lights ... very nice.) They also have coordination intervals using a ball and a number of claps between tosses in the air ... okay to the "three" number and then it's retreat time ... dumb "ol' ledee" as Paul would say.

Do enjoy the bike machine ... Lance Armstrong will have nothing on me when I get that speed up and the mileage recorded!! For "cool down" period, we usually hit the grocery store on the way home. Don't know if Larry really needs to get groceries or if it's actually cooling down in the store air conditioning. Who cares! Larry cooks and Paul and I eat well!!

Posted a couple of pictures of the pool before (when Jonferes was here) and later (when it was filled). Quite a contrast ... take a look on Facebook.
There will be more, I'm sure, as we enjoy the company of the "gals across the yard"; the pool lit up with undewater night lights and the balmy Florida breezes. (Did I see snow forecast for you guys again? Reporters say Chicago may break their February-snow record this week. Don't fret ... Cubbies and Sox will regale us before long ... and, I suppose, the Cardinals!)

Thinking of you all, somewhat ...


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