Monday, February 23, 2009


Actually, we've just been enjoying the weather! Chicago seems to be in the
doldrums with chilly weather and snow. Guess I'd be considered a "snowbird," at least this year, since I'm here to escape that scene... After our Art Festival trek last Saturday, we decided to visit Ft. Lauderdale on Sunday. (Paul knew he had the next day off, so we traveled.)

I had been to Ft. Lauderdale once - the year I graduated from college. Needless to say, that was like never having been there at all!! We drove around a little and, after parking, found an oasis of sorts - the RIVER WALK. It was before noon so people were just beginning to congregate. An entire section along the riverfront was brick-paved, lots of trees and benches. Eateries, music venues, "street" musicians starting to set up for their own little shows. We decided to take a boat tour - cruise along the river which empties into the sea - and gape at the beautiful, beautiful million -to -billion-dollar homes built along the banks. The Captain's running narration was very informative...places that once belonged to Sonny & Cher. Lucy & Desi, Lee Majors & Farrah Fawcett plus newer places that belonged to the Blockbuster clan and other high rollers.
Along one marina space (make that three or four) was the most magnificent yacht I think I've ever seen. The Captain said to take pictures because that was the cloest we would ever get to it again...gleaming white, looked as if it had just come off the assembly line. The yacht belongs to the royal family of Spain and some family members were staying in a villa along the river while the yacht was being serviced; and, then, they were cruising out into the bright blue ocean for ports unknown to us peasants. What really intrigued us was the helicopter perched on the very top of the yacht - when you approached, you could barely tell it was part of the boat itself...just beautiful.

We enjoyed that tour for close to two hours - with a complimentary drink - and, after looking around a little bit more, headed out to find a sandwich place out of the area. However, there was a large. open Irish restaurant and bar that I'm certain all you "Irish" descendants would love. (Had to put that Irish bit in quotes because we do have a few Bohunks, Italians, Swiss, German, Lithuanian, etc. who like a bit of the ol' spirits!) It was just beginning to open up and the weather was so nice outside that we didn't linger. Journeyed around and found "Humpy's - paninis & pizza. Very good - somewhat less expensive than the River Walk - homeward bound. Watched a little TV and then bedtime. (Programs are an hour later here so if we want to see something that doesn't end until 11 or 12, we DVR it.) Could possibly spend the whole next day catching up - if we so desired.

Ed & Hill are coming this way at the end of March. Must say that Ft. Lauderdale looks like a fun and happening place. Jonferes left on a cruise from there Saturday a.m. Can't wait for reports on that voyage!!
For Valentine's Day, Paul arranged a visit to the Spa hotel for me and Larry. Don't know about Larry, but my treat was a haircut & style and a manicure. Such coddling!! Think Larry had a facial - we were scheduled at different times, so guess what, ladies...I put on my bathing suit and lingered by "our"pool. Paul was going to take us to lunch but had massive meetings with execs so we just went home and I spent countless hours running in to gaze in the mirror before my "do" was no more. Haircut is good - falls right into place so easily (no-o, guys, it doesn't fall OUT!!)
Friday and Saturday was a trip to Key West - more on that later.

Can't believe my time is running out here. I do hope that weather stays somewhat regulated in the Chicago area. This warm sun is surely habit-forming...but "natives" say the summer months are not so pleasant - just ask Paolo! The beasties, Copper & Molson, may not like it then either. Time will tell...

Until I get my Key West narrative going, I'm still, just


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